Please feel free to say hello. If you’re interested in an expanded work history visit the curriculum vitae.
My practice centers on interaction, interface, perception, and environment. This emerges through the creation of tools for connection and publishing.
I was the first design engineer at Cargo Collective, a tool for self-publishing creative work, and recently was co-founder and Head of Product at long-form writing platform Mirror.
Sierran Systems is my ongoing studio practice for comissioned works, including projects for 12:01, a24, Are.na, Bloomberg Buisness Week, Dublab, Es Devlin, Google Arts & Culture, Hassan Rahim, LOT2046, Mountain Hardwear, Nicholas Alan Cope, Osk Studio, Outpost, Redbull Music Academy, UCLA Architecture and Urban Design, Warp Records, and more.
For more visit read.cv.
I find immense meaning through long-distance endurance mountain sport. Alpine running and backcountry skiing are my primary focus. I document this over at reversed.eco.
For three years my full-time home was at 8,000ft in the Eastern Sierra Nevada. I have about 100 hours flying a light sport powered glider.
You can also find me at Are.na, Twitter, Instagram, and toss some kudos on Strava.